Bringing people into the fullness of the divine life through teaching and demonstrating the personality and influence of the Spirit.

President/Lead Pastor
Pastor Uyoyo Ogbor-Omorie Is the President/Lead Pastor of Word Culture AKA The Place. Raised in a Christian home, he gave his heart to Christ at a young age and have been actively involved in kingdom advancement serving in various capacities in the ministries he had been a part of spanning over 3 decades . He is passionate about raising leaders and teaching God’s people to understand the fundamentals of the gospel. His ministry have played major roles in church establishment and expansions over the years , through organizing strategic outreaches, pioneering several fellowships and churches in cities and college campuses and equipping-church leaders to be effective in carrying out ministry through the local church.
Uyoyo is a graduate of the LoveWorld Ministerial College and the renowned International School of Ministry under the Leadership of Rev Chris Oyakhilome who also provides spiritual covering for the ministry through the ISM. He is a sought after speaker whose meetings are backed with great demonstrations of the supernatural and miraculous. He is happily married to Abigail Chinekwe and they have 2 lovely girls.

The Keep impacting nations, governments and systems conference is an annual event organized by the men of impact – the men’s ministry of word culture. It is an intense training for men to take their place in their homes and enter into the office of priesthood and understand kingship responsibilities. It’s a safe place for men to be free to inspire, encourage and empower each other to fulfill destiny. REGISTER for the Kings conference
This is an acronym for Relationship and Women. Under the auspices of the Woman of Influence- The women’s ministry of Word Culture, RAW is an annual event designed to help women come into the fullness of their ministry as mothers, wives, ministers, sisters and apostles in the business and/or corporate world. It handles practically, challenges faced by women and proffers solutions based on God’s word as revealed to us in scripture. There are prayers, talk shows, great music and relaxation in an informal setting where you are permitted to be vulnerable but leave empowered to win in your assignments as a woman. REGISTER for the next RAW session
When We Pray:
This is a monthly program designed for our prayer partners . It is a platform for intercessory prayers for individuals , families, cities, nations and countries in need of Divine interventions. There is teaching on prayer but most of the 2 hour period is dedicated to intense prayers to produce the desired results accompanied with testimonies

So glad to have come across Word Culture Church. My life has transformed forever. Thank you so much Pastor Oyoyo, God bless you for all your sacrifice for God and humanity.

Thank you Pastor Uyoyo (PU) for your great words of encouragement. I am so inspired. My life has changed. Now I am changing lives around me. So glad to meet you Man of God.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.